O Master of my soul, my faith is crucified on
Faulty logic. Reason contaminates my whole existence.
I am a Karma-laden beast of burden.
Lured by the powerful smell of money I have become a slave to salary,
Erecting futile frontiers on unmapped Space,
Stumbling over clusters of emotion and bundles of desire.
Like leaves chasing the wind, I try to capture elusive joys.
The electric serpent of my being lies dormant in
Petrified coils, restlessly shimmering – barring
Insight into my secret depths, while bliss lies
Incubating in the Void.
With fear do I hear the rolling thunder calling out
Your Holy Name, and through my unbreathable
Sobs, I hear you calling me, in low-pitched echoes,
Soundlessly calling, calling
Dislodging my faculties
Dislodging my powers,
Playing upon the keyboard of my emotions

by Joy Philippou MBE
Dr Joy Philippou MBE in ‘Meditation Poems’ brings zest and a love of life to a modern way of quiet reflection, resolving what might seem this paradox in a way that is uniquely hers.
How Cumbersome The Flesh
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