Whence this exuberance for life,
This impassioned love of God
And love of Nature
And love f God through Nature?
From whence come these currents of energy
Filtering through me?
Streams of attraction and repulsion
Till I am reduced to a single point of consciousness.
Who is it that wrenches the soul from self-centric isolation,
From dissipation of effort
To higher union with the Self
And Self recognition?
How has one arrived at this intoxication of Self Divinity?
I find myself enamoured of Reality
That caressingly awakens my sleeping soul
To its cosmic function,
Forcing it up the sacred ladder of Evolution
To the pinnacle of endless bliss

by Joy Philippou MBE
Dr Joy Philippou MBE in ‘Meditation Poems’ brings zest and a love of life to a modern way of quiet reflection, resolving what might seem this paradox in a way that is uniquely hers.
When? Where? How?
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