Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Spiritual Matters

Spirituality means different things to different people. Who holds the master keys?
Roy Maunder

Roy Maunder

The aim of this thinker is to bring ageless, time tested teachings of Mindfulness, Destiny and the Art of Living in life, commerce, education and governance into the modern era, culture and language of today. As one among many of Roy’s tenets, he states that: ‘As a finely balanced clock with its parts, this infinite universe with galaxies, stars and planets down to the most microscopic elements, we are interdependent and at-one with everything – all governed by natural law. There are no ...
Barry Long

Barry Long

Barry Long, The Origins of Man and the Universe – The Myth that Came to Life An excerpt below about Barry Long and his philosophy which is available from Amazon appears in: AWAKE - CONSCIOUS PILGRIMAGE BY A PILGRIM. More introduction to follow
Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson does not expound his own religion but considers how we should live today in the context of faith and religions with a sociological perspective. He is one of the foremost interpreters of how to live a responsible life in accordance with principles best adapted to today's needs. His best selling book 12 Rules for Life laid out his principles for living a worthwhile and meaningful life. He generated controversy for his view that human patriarchal society is not a social ...
Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne has had a long history of mixed seeking and finding, blessed by studies with many teachers and traditions. The pointers that have helped him most have taken him deeper and deeper into Awareness, the innermost subjective realm which exists independently of any object - but which witnesses and knows all perceptions, thoughts and other phenomena - however subtle.

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Alan Watts

Alan Watts lectures on mystical vision via art, aesthetics, and Buddhist and Daoist philosophy. He advocates the stripping away of unnecessary illusions about who and what we are, in accordance with Buddhist principles. “You and I have all conspired with ourselves to pretend that we are not really God, but of course we are. That is perfectly obvious. We are all apertures through which the universe is looking at itself. Only it is so arranged that we don’t know that in exactly the same way as we don’t look at our own eyes.” One needs to understand what one needs to do in order to attain liberation but the method must be free of self-delusion. Even if one is trying to be passive, one is still striving to do something: one must understand clearly what is going on in the mind. Our self-consciousness can cause a problem: spontaneous and unpremeditated thinking forestalls unnecessary worrying and responsibility.


Alevis have no binding religious dogmas, and teachings are passed on by a spiritual leader. Alevis believe in the immortality of the soul the literal existence of supernatural beings, including good and bad angels. There are two sides to creation, one from a spiritual center to plurality, another from plurality to the spiritual center. Plurality is the separation of pure consciousness from the divine source. Linked to the concept of the Prototypical Human is that of the “Perfect Human Being”. Alevi saints are seen as manifestations of the perfect human being, which is identified with our true identity as pure consciousness. Alevi worship takes place in assembly houses rather than mosques.

Barry Long

Barry Long makes a distinction between ‘I am’ and ‘me’. He speaks of ‘me’ as our ego and ‘I am’ as the living master of the here and now. This ‘I am’, which was also the one in the flyers, he told us, refers to each of our ‘I ams’, not just rather exclusively to his own. The ego, as ‘me’, is ok once it has surrendered to ‘I am’ as its master. He also referred to our false personality as ‘the tenant’. The purpose of evolution according to Barry Long is to make life on earth more conscious. The Origins of Man and the Universe is the account of a spiritual enquiry into evolution, civilisation, our place in the universe and the structure of reality itself. It is a cosmology which relates to present science but takes us beyond the Big Bang. Charting the evolutionary work of consciousness on earth, it takes us back through man’s psyche to our original state in eternity or God’s mind. Life, death and the whole of existence is seen as a great mythic design. The amazing complexity of life on earth is related to the reality behind everything. The evolution of consciousness is our human story and when we hear it told we can connect with our own reality more consciously. For there is a profound connection between man’s discovery of the universe and self-discovery, between scientific knowledge and self-knowledge.

Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton says that ‘the brain generates electric signals, and if I put EEG wires on your head, you can see the brain activity printing out. There is another device called a Magneto Encephalograph, where the probe doesn’t touch the head. That device reads your brain activity with a probe outside of your head. You might say, “Wait! Then my thoughts are not contained in my head?” and I’d say, “That’s right!” The concept is, your brain is acting as a tuning fork and the broadcast from your brain is not located in your head, so you’re like a radio station. In effect, you’re broadcasting. Everything vibrates—energy vibrates and matter vibrates. This is where the concept of constructive interference comes in, where two vibrations can tangle with each other, and both add up and both gain more power than either one alone. The phrase that we humans use when entanglement occurs in a constructive way, is “good vibes.” The extreme opposite is two vibrations that are resonant, meaning that they have the same waves, but they are out of phase. It is a connection, but the frequencies are canceling each other out. It’s called destructive, because the power is now canceled for both people involved. And that’s called “bad vibes.” This means that wherever you are, the energy is antagonistic to you, and you feel weaker.’

Corine Sombrun

Corine Sombrun is one of the leading lights of Transcience. Frederic Lenoir and Wolfgang Pauli, a Nobel prize winning founder of Quantic Physics, are among those who adhere to Jung’s view that Shamanism and appreciation of nature was man’s earliest religion. (See for instance Page 102, the French magazine Elle 7th July 2022 edition). In its modern application, a modified state of consciousness can come about when someone is in a trance and this is linked with the ‘invisible’ world, viz shamanism, clairvoyance, the paranormal. The right side of the brain – the intuitive, creative side – is activated. This has been underpinned by the findings of neuro-scientists, and physicians observe particular molecules see that the look of the observer can influence the experience and change the nature of the result. Traditional shamanism is at the service of the community. Nowadays there is an emphasis on enlarging the sphere of the individual with a strong psychological dimension. It is a spiritual quest. There are synchronicities between the spirit of the observer and material matter, further demonstration of the existence of an invisible reality. Numerous scientists refuse to accept an invisible reality, seeing it at odds with a Cartesian view of the world. The argument to some extent revolves around the new understandings of the Eco-sphere, It has recently been discovered for instance that trees communicate with one another. If one is close to nature there is a greater understanding of the telluruic state, the flow of electricity in nature and so forth, consciousness of which allows people to link to their unconscious and listen to its message.

Fabrice Midal

Fabrice Midal offers a path to finding your own spirituality. He says that Philosophy takes us by surprise. It challenges us, awakens us and opens our minds. He follows Buddhist teachings but encourages us to look within and think for ourselves. In doing so, we can find solutions to even our most confusing dilemmas. The 5 Doors offers a path to your own spirituality. The five doors, briefly, are: The joy of doing, The joy of clarity; The joy of connecting; The joy of being fulfilled; The joy of being at peace. He guides us through the inspirational ideas of forty writers, artists, thinkers and seers from Baudelaire to Wittgenstein, Emily Dickinson to Toni Morrison, Pablo Picasso to James Baldwin. We are overwhelmed with all sorts of commands, and we often torture ourselves to ‘try harder’. It’s time we stop pushing ourselves to do what we think we’re supposed to do, and instead simply allow ourselves to be angry, be tired, be silly, be passionate–to stop giving a shit, and just be. The French Art of Not Giving a Sh*t explains why the key to true mindfulness is freeing ourselves from social and often self-imposed stresses. It highlights how we can embrace life more fully by giving ourselves a break and gives readers permission to: Stop obeying — you are intelligent; Stop being calm — be at peace; Stop wanting to be perfect — accept life’s storms; Stop rationalizing — let things be; Stop comparing — be you; Stop being ashamed — be vulnerable; Stop tormenting yourself — become your own best friend’ Stop wanting to love — be benevolent; Be calm… Stop stressing… Embrace the universe…!

Fabrice Midal

Fabrice Midal offers a path to finding your own spirituality. Midal says that Philosophy challenges us, awakens us and opens our minds. He follows Buddhist teachings but encourages us to look within and think for ourselves. In doing so, we can find solutions to even our most confusing dilemmas.

Frederic Lenoir

Frederic Lenoir is not in favour of denying emotions; imagine, he suggests, theatre without comedy and tragedy! How arid a life without emotions! An intelligent connection with what one goes through in life and a trust in oneself is what makes one free. He advocates getting to the truth of how we feel, and why we feel, not assume a false positiveness or trying to discard our feelings. Feeling is what makes us human. Even trying to be aware of being aware detract from a core feeling. He looks from a Jungian and a Catholic perspective at how religions should be reinterpreted in the light of modern needs. He writes: ‘I am indeed convinced that we are going in the long term towards a certain interpenetration of Christianity and Buddhism, towards a synthesis between on the one hand the meaning of the person, which is the central message of Jesus, for whom every human being is unique, and on the other hand this work of interiorization.‘ and ‘When you are moved by your emotions, you can allow yourself to be manipulated, which is why you must be careful to keep your critical mind to protect yourself from false prophets. We can also delude ourselves, confuse the magical and the sacred. But that does not prevent reacting against contemporary materialism, against a mechanized world, controlled by technology and by money. That’s the positive side of all this New Age-type alternative religiosity, whatever its excesses.’


Gaia has a large library of films discussions relating to all manner of topics that might broadly be described as relating to the Unseen World. Many witnesses and researchers speak of their experiences and experiments to test where possible what might be the truth of such phenomena as life after death. The research takes in nanotechnology, aerospace exploration, exotic propulsion systems and more.

Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is a former Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Aerospace and a Computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum is known for his appearances in Ancient Aliens and his show Missing Links, and other publications linking science and spirituality. He claims that the magnetic polarity of the Earth is about to reverse and this may have effects on human DNA. He has also argued that human emotions affect DNA and that collective prayer may have healing physical effects. A growing body of scientific evidence is validating the ancient mystical understanding that one has the capability to accelerate growth through the use of consciousness-raising practices that can dramatically shift health, neurobiology, and even the genes affecting a lifespan. Braden says: ‘New scientific discoveries have the potential to change the way you think about yourself, your relationship to your body, to others, to the earth, and even to God.’

Itzhak Beery

Itzhak Beery, the College of Psychic Studies, bridges spiritual and practical wisdom with teachings of indigenous people. Yachaks (Bird Men and Women) transcend between the seen and unseen worlds – the Hana Pacha (Upper World) and Ukhu Pacha (Lower World) – to bring personal and community healing to Kay Pacha (our Middle World). It is often said that the so-called civilised world has lost touch with the deeper truths that were on the understandings of some native peoples. Beery is on a mission to rediscover them.

Jordon Peterson

Jordan Peterson does not expound his own religion but considers how we should live today in the context of faith and religions with a sociological perspective. He is one of the foremost interpreters of how to live a responsible life in accordance with principles best adapted to today’s needs. His best selling book 12 Rules for Life laid out his principles for living a worthwhile and meaningful life.

Justin Abrahams

Justin Abrahams ( Infused Knowledge | Beyond Human | Justin Paul Abraham – YouTube ) and author of viz ‘Beyond Human’ has a deep love for the teachings of Christianity. He is a science teacher. He draws on the latest scientific findings as well as mystic traditions and Eastern-inspired practices of Meditation. A recital of the holy name of ‘Jahweh’, for instance, can be like a mantra. The all-powerful white light and an encircling world spirit – to precis some among many of his beliefs which he finesses – come to practitioners with the force of revelation. A receptive state can be achieved after only a few weeks. He deduces updated proof of biblical truths from for instance brain scans before and after meditation and which demonstrate its efficacy. The bending of time-space, the theory of ‘entanglement’, the double-helix of DNA, and more, are prayed in aid to demonstrate his theories. In slumber the body and spirit are regenerated. Historical figures and fellow-travellers have had miracle-like knowledge including of scientific breakthroughs imparted to them in dreams. Angels and aliens then can be revealed to the believer. The Periodic Table and the double-helix spiral of DNA initially came to their discoverers as a result of dreams. There is a limitless understanding in all this which extends to any questions we wish to pose: a solution for clean energy by way of one example. The past and the future, the workings of the universe, the collusion between groups and between individuals, all are part of infusion of knowledge and light. The heart leads the way. The infusion of love imparts its knowledge from heart to brain; rapture can follow. This should be fun as a way of life rather than a slavish refusal to go outside anything that is traditional Holy Writ. There is no ‘big’ and ‘small’. it is all just as wonderful. We all manifest nature. Why limit yourself! You are the Oracle! You should transition to the New Age! Abrahams could be described as a latterday ‘Charismatic’. with Beau Norton is about spiritual transformation & personal growth for aspiring leaders and spiritual seekers.


Pinterest is a commercial website with uplifting quotations about how to lead a good and fulfilled life. This approach is in vogue with a modern penchant for soundbites. In one sense, like Japanese haikus, they can encapsulate philosophical or beautiful ideas.

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi  believed that death and evil were illusion which could be dissipated by the practice of ‘Vichara’, by which the true self and the unity of all things would be discovered. Self-examination is the principal means to remove ignorance and abide in self-awareness together with bhakti (devotion) or surrender to the self. Among his sayings of note are:

“A man does not have to go and find where his eyes are in order to see.”

“We not only come into this world with our physical bodies as something of a spacesuit our soul puts on, but that all of ‘our’ changing worlds we perceive about us are just our own reflections on the mirror surface of our awareness.”

“Being is awareness. It cannot be experienced as an object, as a sensation, or mental state because it is non-dual. We can only BE it. It is always available if we drop all thinking, wanting or any form of mental activity for a moment and rest as IT.'”

Richard Lang – Seeing Who You Really Are

Richard Lang is a spirituality teacher who the guidance of Douglas Harding was astonished to discover that he actually saw his true Self – boundless, timeless and one with the world. He was so impressed with the effectiveness of Harding’s experiments that he became involved in the work of giving workshops and teaching these methods to a wide audience. He explores with you the meaning, applications and benefits of this awareness in ‘Seeing Who You Really Are’.

Robert Moss

Robert Moss is the pioneer of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of shamanism and modern dreamwork. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a best-selling novelist, journalist and independent scholar. His many books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreamgates, Active Dreaming and his latest book is Sidewalk Oracles.

Roy Maunder

The aim of Roy Maunder is to bring ageless, time tested teachings of Mindfulness, Destiny and the Art of Living in life, commerce, education and governance into the modern era, culture and language of today. As one among many of Roy’s tenets, he states that: ‘As a finely balanced clock with its parts, this infinite universe with galaxies, stars and planets down to the most microscopic elements, we are interdependent and at-one with everything – all governed by natural law. There are no miracles independent of the laws of nature. What may appear so is just ignorance. We can debate or deny God or Gods, ground Zero, the primordial source of creation and its manifestations, the children of the Gods. But the laws by which this moment is governed, in space and time and all it contains, is undeniable… it is the ‘Holy Ghost’ of the physical universe.’

Roy Maunder

Roy Maunder: The aim of this work is to bring ageless, time tested teachings of Mindfulness, Destiny and the Art of Living in life, commerce, education and governance into the modern era, culture and language of today. Roy states that ‘the laws by which this moment is governed, in space and time and all it contains, is undeniable… it is the ‘Holy Ghost’ of the physical universe.’


Following Fulfilment, MEDITATION ACTION FORUM and Sesame, a centre for Spiritual culture, advocates self-observation and listening to one’s inner voice with a minimum of interference from the ego. It lays stress on the idea that before acting one must first think for oneself correctly, justly and in keeping with the best dictates of the heart.

The Pari Center for New Learning

The Pari Center for New Learning is to advance the integration of knowledge, the arts, science, ethical values, community and spirituality. It specialises in promoting the work of David Bohm and C.G. Jung and builds on David Peat’s respect for Indigenous Knowledge.