by <a href="" target="_self">Joy Philippou MBE</a>

by Joy Philippou MBE

Dr Joy Philippou MBE in ‘Meditation Poems’ brings zest and a love of life to a modern way of quiet reflection, resolving what might seem this paradox in a way that is uniquely hers.


Living currents radiating intelligence
Vitalise the nucleus of each of my primal atoms,
I feel the central chord of my Being
Vibrating to sustain my very existence
With its heightened cosmic Rhythm.
It slashes Ego with the two-edged sword of living Fire
Halting its ruthless self erosion,
Sensitizing it to Higher Influence.
The will is Deified,
Embodied in a re-structured Mind
And gently ushered into new Life – with blessed
Release from thought.
Then follows a slow and arduous enfoldment,
A scouring of ego-encrusted perception,
Till it is made fit for Divine consumption
Without which it has no access to Eternity.