The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Joy Philippou MBE</a>

by Joy Philippou MBE

Dr Joy Philippou MBE in ‘Meditation Poems’ brings zest and a love of life to a modern way of quiet reflection, resolving what might seem this paradox in a way that is uniquely hers.

When? Where? How?

Whence this exuberance for life,
This impassioned love of God
And love of Nature
And love f God through Nature?
From whence come these currents of energy
Filtering through me?
Streams of attraction and repulsion
Till I am reduced to a single point of consciousness.
Who is it that wrenches the soul from self-centric isolation,
From dissipation of effort
To higher union with the Self
And Self recognition?
How has one arrived at this intoxication of Self Divinity?
I find myself enamoured of Reality
That caressingly awakens my sleeping soul
To its cosmic function,
Forcing it up the sacred ladder of Evolution
To the pinnacle of endless bliss