Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Hemal Jayasuriya</a>

by Hemal Jayasuriya

Poetry thrives in a shadowy, allusive world in which feelings that can be un-pinnable in precise language come into a reality all their own. It may seem to have little to do with the world of facts and experimentation that is science. If all that there is can be explained by what we see and/or what we can prove, what need is there for poetry?


A red fallen leaf
Devoid of essence
Drops into a silent ocean
To be one amongst many.
A thought stream you
Were, now a lost memory
Lodged in somewhere, here
A faceless unknown, a bloom that was
Without a name, seeking, now, to
Become a Real in the now, against the run of
Entropy, not to be colourless : like a drop
Of melt water, but to be solid
Like the eternal snow at the summit of
Fujiyama, shining like a cool fiery star in the moonlight