Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Hemal Jayasuriya</a>

by Hemal Jayasuriya

Poetry thrives in a shadowy, allusive world in which feelings that can be un-pinnable in precise language come into a reality all their own. It may seem to have little to do with the world of facts and experimentation that is science. If all that there is can be explained by what we see and/or what we can prove, what need is there for poetry?

Empty Dot Amongst Moving Matter

Looking out into dark, dark night sky

Far far away beyond the blue yonder

A glass eye has spotted

One little circular dot

Which contains Nothing.

That is strange, now what if anything,

Does that bring to your mind ?

Yawning, expanding space is known

To have areas with very little Matter

A sprinkling of interstellar dust.

But that is different to having a real Zero

Of stuff, enclosed by a circle, a sort of a big dot

That goes against the run of my logical thought.

A blanked out mind theorises, produces an idea.

The fast firing neurons

 Rises to the moment, to play a hole in one.

 My being entangled with the Universe sees it now as being doubly meaningful