On evidence in this poem is Hemal’s romantic side, generally overlooked in the selection for this Institute from his oeuvre
Do Truth and Time spring
From a hidden deep down Well
One wonders. The music of the Waltz
Is calling to them. We are in a Dreamscape
His Being is given completely to her.
Those trembling strings of the violin
Make it sing. How long will
Her blossoming Rose, be pristine, as it is
Now in that fragrant Rosy state. I see that
Flame in your eyes ; it pushes and pulls you.
You are Here and Not Here.
Your whereabouts are not known.
Love smiles upon this ecstacy of theirs.
Time flees from this happy sandy shores ;
This is a Night of Beauty
Adorned by the intertwined
Twirling and falling like the ribbons
Of white water of a Waterfall.
The Poet is mesmerised, her sparkle
Has ensnared him. He is hers
Her plaything . She has set
His soul alight with rapture.
A sweet burning fire devours his Being