Getting up one morning in a bedroom at Newnham
Looking out into the manicured green lawns
Gemma said : my nose is blocked, no I am not Really thinking straight at all
In fact there is not a thought in my head.
Well, I can rise above this messy state :
Nothingness of my Being, me, hanging nowhere,
By writing about it. Then there is
Some meaning to it. Well, I can look
At one of the many quirky paintings and photographs
Hung on the walls. That is a slender thread
I can hang onto and pull myself
Up into the World, get into the thick of things
Interpreting it right from the roots
Rising up to the stars. Then I will have
Become. No longer will the World be a blank sheet.
Then I might begin to read some Merleau-Ponty
And Sophocles, make a raft out of them
To float to land on some sunny beach

by Hemal Jayasuriya
Poetry thrives in a shadowy, allusive world in which feelings that can be un-pinnable in precise language come into a reality all their own. It may seem to have little to do with the world of facts and experimentation that is science. If all that there is can be explained by what we see and/or what we can prove, what need is there for poetry?
From Zero to Meaning
More Poems by Hemal Jayasuriya
- Imagining In A New Light
- Arching Over
- Edge of a Beach
- Random Walks
- Young and Old
- Olympia
- Interdependence
- Soul Mountain
- Most Strange
- Starburst
- Ordering Into Shape, Unpredictable
- Rashomon
- Differentation
- Prospera’s World
- You are my woman of abstract
- A Leaf In Free Fall, Rotating
- Empty Dot Amongst Moving Matter
- Tom’s Clock
- Women and Men
- The Feel of Beauty
- Vacuum Fluctuations
- Into The Woods
- Birds Sing
- Starlight
- In A Third Space : Science And Humanities
- Light of the Non-existent Sun
- Where is Time
- Events Jostle Inside The Black Box