by watchthedot | Mar 30, 2022
Bielefeld Academic Search EngineBASE is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers.
by watchthedot | Feb 8, 2022
Entertaining and thought-provoking films and books have come out about the latest thinking on how science may impinge on beliefs, for instance: THE LIVING MATRIX The Living Matrix, revolutionary it seemed when it was first issued, is now increasingly in the...
by watchthedot | Feb 8, 2022
Notes The links and references below are only a toe-dip into an ocean of fresh thinking about fundamental questions. There is a wide variety of methodology and focus in the websites listed. There is no attempt to ‘grade’ websites or links in order of significance or...
by watchthedot | Feb 8, 2022
External Links Bernardo KastrupPhysicsBernardo Kastrup has been leading the renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He is the executive director of Essentia Foundation and specializes in artificial intelligence and...