Reflection as an academic subject

Reflection as an academic subject

Reflection may be something that we all do but many people do not think about doing it.  Is this the right or the only approach? The art of Reflection is undervalued in a high-voltage, media-frenzied world.  Instead, ‘meditation’ has acquired a new-found...
Spiritual Matters

Spiritual Matters

Roy MaunderThe aim of this thinker is to bring ageless, time tested teachings of Mindfulness, Destiny and the Art of Living in life, commerce, education and governance into the modern era, culture and language of today. As one among many of Roy’s tenets, he states...
Current Affairs

Current Affairs

It was once said in provinces of China: ‘The mountains are high, the rivers are deep, and the emperor is far away!’ Long gone is the day in Europe when a monarch was hedged around with an aura of divinity. Chasms between governors and governed are bridged today in the...