The Next Century Foundation believes that meeting on a non-political level can lubricate the wheels of diplomacy. All who participate are determined to act through an unofficial network creating forums for people of opposing sides. The sole aim of the Foundation is to apply a solvent for the fear, insecurity and lack of trust that have so often bedevilled more public exchanges.
Latest Articles
- Mark Twain’s Thinking on Reflection
- A snapshot of Brian Mayne’s thinking about the ‘presence’ that underlies our essence,
- A Contemplation
- Reflection Represented in Figurine Form
- What can we be sure of?
- Review: Ghosts and Hauntings by Dennis Bardens
- The Underlying Approach to Reflection
- Driifloat
- On Science
- Review: Rupert Sheldrake – Morphic Resonance
- Benjamin Casteillo Personal Revelations
- Review: Your Brain is Boss by Dr Lynda Shaw
- Reflection: its practical purposes
- Reflection techniques; how better to reflect
- Reflection can help you understand the Unseen world