The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Oranmore</a>

by Oranmore

Lord Oranmore is struck in wonderment at many of the perplexing questions about the world and mankind’s place in it that can be felt by those of a reflective disposition. These uncertainties and other concerns of this institute receive a rapt distillation into words in ‘Sparkling Fountain’.


Find a centre in your heart,
This is where your life must start
Your core of strength established here
In trouble will not disappear.

When adversity hits hard
You have a splendid bodyguard
That will protect you through the scrum,
Ensure that you will overcome.

Your friends will tell you this and that
For kindness sake they like to chat
But often their advice is wrong
So you must listen but be strong.

Consult your heart, let it foretell
What is the course that will end well.