Faiths and Religions
The staying power of major religions over thousands of years, their excellent precepts – with contentious manmade encrustations excepted – the shared nature in almost all societies across the globe of views about the true essentials of divinity, the way so many people rely heavily on them for a moral and psychological anchorage, the way religions bind communities together and an appeal to man’s better nature all bespeak the need for caution in revisiting religion with the critical eye that can serve our turn well in re-evaluating other fundamental thinking. Residual questions can niggle. How far if at all should some of the more debatable claims of what au fond is historical in some religions be allowed to fortify the growing legions of sceptics and Doubting Thomas’s with ammunition? When a belief survives a level gaze at it, it may become the stronger by attaching more that is of reason to faith. What are the common denominators and essentials of religion to which all of us with confidence can cleave if minded to do so? How far may we revisit some key tenets so as to found faith on a stronger bedrock? Above all, is there a way of legitimately refashioning some aspects of faiths so as to take account of New Age thinking?
Food for thought on this subject can be found in the PDF to be downloaded as below.
Beneath is a link to a rundown of some of the ways in which the precepts of the Baha’i religion take account of it.
Articles on Faith and Religions
Rupert Sheldrake – Morphic Resonance
Iryna’s Faith
The Baha’i Religion
New Spiritual Religions
There are many new faiths which in one way or the other subscribe to a newfound wish to base religion on the latest teachings, or interpretations of older teachings. The list below to date is far from exhaustive.
Alevis have no binding religious dogmas, and teachings are passed on by a spiritual leader. Alevis believe in the immortality of the soul the literal existence of supernatural beings, including good and bad angels. There are two sides to creation, one from a spiritual center to plurality, another from plurality to the spiritual center. Plurality is the separation of pure consciousness from the divine source. Linked to the concept of the Prototypical Human is that of the “Perfect Human Being”. Alevi saints are seen as manifestations of the perfect human being, which is identified with our true identity as pure consciousness. Alevi worship takes place in assembly houses rather than mosques.
Self Realisation Fellowship
A worldwide fellowship devoted to the discovery of peace, joy and prosperity in everyday life through communion with God.