I walked and walked till the dawn did break
Upon the April sunshine wake.
The flowers did spring by the lake
As the cold winter breeze did escape.
My thoughts were grateful within my head
To thank the Creator for every piece of bread.
I strode out further to reach my goal,
But my soul within chanted ‘no’,
You will be led where you are meant to go.
Relax, young man, and search your soul.
This soul will guide your knowledge to know
The spirit in the soul will make the show.
I took off my coat, the sun did shine.
My soul untied, the spirit forward sped.
Expressed wishes came out of my head,
In material pattern they were designed,
All shape and sizes scientific wise,
In colours mixed vivid art will find.

by Oranmore
Lord Oranmore is struck in wonderment at many of the perplexing questions about the world and mankind’s place in it that can be felt by those of a reflective disposition. These uncertainties and other concerns of this institute receive a rapt distillation into words in ‘Sparkling Fountain’.