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Review: Allon Bacon – Out of my Hands

by | Aug 15, 2022 | Esoteric

Bacon is discussing ‘a part of man’s total presence and energy which is on a finer or higher level than the merely physical .,,, There are energies, levels of communication, and forces at work both within and without, which are wondrous in the extreme. One of these forces is man’s capacity to self-heal.’

This is a man of an analytic mind, well-educated and coming from an affluent social mileau. He was training to be a doctor when struck down by life-threatening ill health. He allowed himself to be guided by his inner voices in defiance of medical orthodoxy and by following their dictates was spared for a lifetime of devoted service to his fellow man. There can be little doubt of his fundamental integrity. He brings a trained eye and a sensitive facility for detail to his observations about what is going on in his mind and expends much thought on finding explanations. He is describing his ‘Guides’ helping send Healing to a patient:

‘Around him was a temple-like building apparently made of light. Table on which the patient was lying appeared to be made of a solid crystal-like substance resembling solid light. The colours about them were crystal blue and white.’

He was a much-sought after consultant to the stars of the thespian world. The after-death communing from the likes of Ivor Novello have the ring of truth. There is corroboration of his claims, witness statements and so forth. The stories of the healing of Joanna Syms and Nellie Quinlivan are cases in point.

Bacon’s descriptions of what is going on in his life, and in his sessions, throw light into how he got where he did and what he did when there. By the time one reads a passage as below it is clear that this is not the starry-eyed prating of a would-be self-illusionist.
Bacon knows the value of communing with oneself in solitude:

‘I learned to float my mind away from (tales of people who suffered from TB) I raised my mind up to link with the universal strength I sensed about me. I was, without realising it, reaching up to the Cosmic Energy of the Christ consciousness. I was reaching back into my soul memory in knowledge I had absorbed from previous lives. I was linking with the eternal me. I was switching myself from being hypnotized by the stark horror of my surroundings to the overall reality of Divine Strength.’

The book has much advice on how to live a contended, fulfilled life. He is sufficiently aware of the pitfalls and snares of this world as to rate a ‘happy-go-lucky’ element in one’s make-up a form of self-protection. He is aware of the healing power of laughter and gives illustrations for instance from the example of the star actress, Hermione Baddeley. He takes his dreams seriously and records them:

‘In my dream I was approaching a beautiful calm river winding below the green bank I was slowly descending. There, only a few yards below me, was a small boat tethered to the near bank. I knew it was my boat, waiting for me to use to cross the narrow river below me. In view on the far bank was a collection of men and women I longed to meet. Their robes were of pale bright colours and a soft yet brilliant light played about their tranquil selves. As I stepped down towards my boat a man’s hand was placed upon my shoulder. A deep but tender voice said to me: ‘Allon, you cannot go. There is work here for you to do.’ I tried to see the man who spoke thus but could only see his linen robe. It was as if his face was purposely hidden from me.’

The alternate ‘electric’ currents – of heat and cold – that flow from his hands, the smoky fug arising in some spiritual encounters, the descriptions of his spirit guides – one was a powerfully-built Red Indian brave, the colours and smells he experiences, his psychic abilities to sense auras, all of these make for an authentic tour d’horizon of the spiritual world. They enable Bacon to piece together into a system a description of how he sees the eternal world.

The following is a digest:

Each endless journey of experience of us has a separate identifiable and unique soul, We live many lives on many different levels of time. Each life we live seems to most of us the only life. Hints to some of us of before and after but we are so constructed that we can’t access our overall memory bank except in certain moments of instruction. Without this cut-out we would retain a jumbled mass of memory experience which would overbalance our emotional reactions as well as our built-in soul reaction. The law knows neither mercy nor pity. Perfect joy-giving is abundant and fulfilling. Whatever we think, it works thus, and is perfect. We go from rich to poor, men to women, peace to violence, We go from time level to time level, lives to teach us lessons. Our souls are gradually aspiring to higher knowledge as we advance to higher realms of existence. Our spiritual lives are the real existence. Some learn faster than others. Some nondescript lives are a rest. Religion has great truths and they are often in parable form as in ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions.’

In between our lives we meet with teachers, guides and guardian angels. In their inspiring and loving presence, we lick our wounds, recover from our absurdities, are thanked for our services and we study in the Halls of Learning. The Universal souls of Great Knowledge are constantly watching over us. The task is endless and mind-expanding in its vision. We learn to use our Cosmic Energy to aspire to greater and finer planes of existence. The human mind can only glimpse the glory and wonder of the System. The Cosmic Light transforms clay to spirit. We are, we were, and we will be. We have to be watchful of false visitors.

Bacon ends this account in a matter-of-fact way:

‘If on the other hand our guides are simply manifestations of images formed in our inner and over selves, where is the problem? All religions have their own God. All lead to the same knowledge, The Cosmos is there, only man interprets it differently. Time/Space is an illusion. Rockets will seem like the horse and cart. Religion and Science will finally link up. We will journey where we can only go at present by dying. Judgement Day when you are ready – in the centre of the table is a large globule of light you can see if you wish any moment of your past life or lives. Imagine the torment of the mass murderer. All experience is re-lived. The teachings of Jesus are revealed in all their value. The right background is chosen for us to go off on our new adventure.

Bacon’s conclusions come as a result of his experiences. We are given a guide throughout.

Allon Bacon – Out of My Hands, ISBN 0-85030-831-3, The Aquarian Press