It’s all ‘Old Wife’s Tales’ is it? Thousands upon thousands of sightings of ghosts, of ‘seeing’ the unnseen, in every generation; ALL is delusion or charlatanry?
Telepathy cannot exist? When it is demonstrable that the physical matter in our own bodies can communicate at a distance? There is no way that a visitant from another time can visit us? When the very concept of time is being re-evaluated and is no longer seen as linear?
Many conclusions are speculation but that applies equally to the a view that the Unseen world must be bogus. The Cartesian world view of ‘What you see is what you get!’ itself is under fire. As Dr Lynda Shaw among others, notably Carl Saga, points out: ‘the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence‘. It goes beyond that: there is much evidence on which to tease out facts if but one has an open mind to reflect on it.