Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Wendy Shutler</a>

by Wendy Shutler

Wendy Shutler in ‘Here we go round the Multiverse’ puts into superb poetry many of the preoccupations of this website about the amazing world as it has been revealed by science. The common sense that she wraps around it in poetic form if anything renders it more stunning.

Virtual Reality

On the scale of the very vast,
Where speeds are incredibly fast,
There’s no such thing, says Einstein,
As an absolute moment in time.

On the scale of the miniscule,
Where quantum uncertainty rules,
Heisenberg says there’s no such place
as a definite point in space.

There is no time, there is no place;
We’re mostly made of empty space.
Very far or very bear.
It seems we are not really here.