Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective
by <a href="" target="_self">Wendy Shutler</a>

by Wendy Shutler

Wendy Shutler in ‘Here we go round the Multiverse’ puts into superb poetry many of the preoccupations of this website about the amazing world as it has been revealed by science. The common sense that she wraps around it in poetic form if anything renders it more stunning.

The Magic Gene

When we bit the apple, we found

That we weren’t always going to be around,

But only here for limited season,

Not for any particular reason –

Life without hope;

We couldn’t cope

We told of spirits in the forest glade,

Gods, and devils, nymphs and dragons made,

Telling tales around the fire

Myth and magic to acquire;

And those who believed

Survived to breed.

In our own image we made God, that He

Take from us all responsibility,

And send His son to earth to save

Ourselves from earth of our own graves.

A little white lie

To help us get by

Long enough to raise a generation

Confident of ultimate salvation.

Until we wonder if it’s true,

Begin to question long-held views,

And wonder why

We all must die.

Rather we should wonder that we live,

We lucky ones, who evolution gives,

Against the odds, this chance to be.

Why ask for all eternity?

The fruit is sweet, Take, eat.