Reflection Represented in Figurine Form

Reflection Represented in Figurine Form

Reflection is a particular and a useful state of mind but we tend to overlook it through its familiarity. We can treat it in a cavalier way, not paying much attention to someone given over to reflection. We might suppose that they are staring ‘vacantly’...
Review: Ghosts and Hauntings by Dennis Bardens

Review: Ghosts and Hauntings by Dennis Bardens

Bardens proclaims himself a journalist as against being an author. That said, he has an impressive track record of serious biographies to his name including those of Princess Margaret, Elizabeth Fry and Landru. He worked on the TV series Panorama, indeed he coined...
On Science

On Science

It is a strongly held view of many people that there is no such thing as an Afterlife: all we have is here in earth and when we die, it is curtains on any existence we can have. To someone postulating this, and it is usually with confidence, the question can be put:...