The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Yvette

TO Yvette, Reflection is important in reaching the right decisions. Relationships are what matter. There is a difference between friendship, which makes a real difference to a relationship, and Love which is so important, and in so many contexts.


Reflection makes you gather more information before you can make a decision to do X Y or Zed but by the time you make a decision, having reflected, you then make a conscious decision. To me, reacting to a situation without reflecting you are acting with lack of knowledge.

You might have brothers and sisters who all love one another but there might be one or two of the siblings who are more friends to one another - they communicate a lot because they have that friendship. They still have sibling love but that friendship makes them communicate with one another all the time. In my married relationship there has to be a friendship in order to trust and respect one another and to be mindful and think about the person all the time. I think that friendship brings a lot more kick to a marriage. Friendship in relationships is very important.

There are many different contexts where love is important. Love stops me judging other people, and lets me just see them as they are. Love stops me from only looking at the bad side of everything.

Regarding what is important in life, in a broad way it is giving love and receiving love. I believe that if we stick to that environment of giving and receiving love, we create a lot of positivity in the world. This can end up by reducing negative feelings and ideas that are around the world. One can go really deeply into that thinking because there's a lot involved in it. Love is a is a broad subject that we can find in in all sectors of life but the main thing for me is giving love and receiving love.