Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Tsuruko and Barry

Tsuruko here is giving Barry ‘the Light’, in the process of which she explains what she is doing.

Tsuruko used to work in the banking sector but discovered her healing gift and now is a full time (unpaid) Faith Healer. Barry was one of her recent subjects.


Tsuruko (T): I don’t know if people can see my hands?

Barry (B): They can see your hands.

T: Good.

B: Would you like to tell me what you’re doing right now?

T: Energy comes from universe through me; comes to my back and through my arms and focusing to your point where we are. We seem to have two points in the back of the head and what it does is melting down what you don’t need in your system. That is what we call ‘toxin’. Toxins can be physical and also mental and, most deeply, spiritual ones. So, once they are clear, it’s energy from float and also emotional – have no stuck up. (It is not stuck). At the end of the day, I’m focusing your soul to be returned to where you start from. All of our souls should be our spirit, should be shining like a sunlight or crystal grass deflecting sunlight. Because we have lived so many lives, we really add some sort of mark which make us unhappy – misfortune, illness, accident and argument. So: try to cleanse all of that negative energy and also negative material things.

B: She’s giving a light. Some people are really, really gifted. Tsuruko is one of them. What she does is some sort of a natural healing method. Everyone’s got some sort of a gift and Tsuruko has managed to discover this gift and pass it on to others.