The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Lena

As can be gauged by the lunchtime background chatter in the restaurant, Lena's response exemplifies the deliberately impromptu nature of these 'interviews' by saying what she has been feeling all along rather than coming up with a scripted talk tapered to how an audience might react to words of wisdom.


It's unfolding because I spent a lot of time assuming that I knew the answer but the more I get to know myself I can be more genuine. I know that there's a mission I want to fulfil which is to become the best human being that I can be. That is because I believe I, or we, were put here for a reason and the reason is to develop Unity, Behaviour, Understanding and Consciousness and to be able to give wellbeing and honour to my life in all that I do and with all Who I Am. This is an ongoing endeavour. Things reveal themselves to me as I Let Go all stock answers or stock patterns of behaviour. I think I'm part of creation and creation has a plan for each for the human race and I need to fulfil my best potential so that I can give back to God and creation. I believe that there is a God which has created this place that's created the human being with his unique fingerprints. So it's an ongoing Journey.