The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Kwabena

'Kwabena' draws from his own melodramatic past to create a philosophy that almost amounts to his new religion


Number One: Human beings are genetically modified. I just believe not-the-full-unknown said the Fallen ones - the people from above - are genetically modified Number Two we are here to learn and grow that's what I believe. I don’t believe when I die there is a man seated in heaven on a chair who is going to judge me – ‘you go to hell and you go to heaven!’ I don't believe in that. I believe we are all from One Source, from one Consciousness - the ‘Adamu’. Adam is not a man it's called Adamu species, coming from Adama or Adapa. Basically we come from one of the first species: Adamu. We all come from that DNA Homo sapiens and we're genetically modified with the higher beings and then we came up with a perfect Homo Sapiens with the humans and we are called the Adamu.

I believe we are here to learn and grow we're not here to make billions and go with billions you know. We are here to love each other to respect one another to love and grow the humanity as a species I believe there is a cataclysm (unclear) that happens after every civilization is there, four or five times. where it's destroyed and created again. It's destroyed and there are survivors that come back to restart another civilization. That's what I believe.

I believe we had the same kind of energy and knowledge and power like them before. Then I just think they took something from our DNA. We still have junk DNA in our body. We can tap into that junk DNA like in our final year and can achieve higher consciousness. He was saying we are comprised of billions of photons and we're part atoms. We've got patterns the whole body is full of atoms. The whole body right now, this table, does not exist. It's only exist because I'm here. Everything that comes in front of us is a manifestation of our thoughts and mind.

That's why I read ‘The Emerald Tablets’. Emerald Tablets teach me to learn and think. I just believe human beings are a species on amnesia.