Institute of Reflection

The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Jacqueline

Jacqueline is a Medium and recounts some of her interpretations of what is going on in her mediumship.

Jacqueline Holland Hunt is a Medium who lives her life according to her beliefs; her understanding of the spirit world is not just a bolt-on facet of her everyday life but part and parcel of it. In these video clips she is ‘off duty’ and having a conversation with friends; there is much more that Jacqueline has to say on her subject. She gives master classes in Mediumship. Here, Jacqueline inter alia describes in brief (a) the Spirit world (b) Her observations about hospitals tests as to what happens when someone passes on (c) Her conviction that the spirit world exists (d) How it gives her peace, and (e & f) how we are being shown our true way if we care to see it.


I was getting people talking to me or I sensed them. I do hear the odd voice; I do see the odd Spirit. I thought ‘Oh gosh, what's happening here?’ I started to sit in a circle. That's what I do with people now. Sitting in the circle I suddenly became totally spiritual, loved the spirit world. They keep me sane.

I've been through a traumatic three years but with the spirit crowd up there - my ‘crew’ as I call them - I just link into them. They keep me on the right path. It's such a beautiful world. What I always say to people is that it's a gift I've been given, the most amazing gift, because my gift is to help people.

I did a mediumship chat the other day at a psychic fair; and one young girl … I just found her mother so strong, and the love and the emotion come into that young girl from her mother and her mother had died just a little while back. This is what we're doing, we show people there Is no Death, we just carry on. That explains what's going on and it really does make sense. We know when we come from the spirit world or when (for instance we’re) pregnant - I won't (say it) because that would be an Immaculate Conception but the spirit children from being reincarnated have always already chosen with who they're going to come down to be, with that family.

There's just so much sense when you do understand we come here to this hell, which is our learning ground. This is where we learn our lessons and repay our Karma. Then we go home, which is heaven. People call it heaven but I call it going home. We go home, we replenish, we reflect, and then we can choose (whether) we going to reincarnate now or are we going to wait for many, many years and enjoy the spirit world. It makes it so peaceful. If I was told ‘Right, you're dying tomorrow’ I'd go ‘fine, sorry everybody but I'm off. I'm gonna be happy. Let me just shut (down my) system. This helps you in this life because it's so peaceful

But then you see the evil in this world and, believing in reincarnation, you understand this, that's why I call it our learning ground, why there is some evil because some people have to come back to pay Karma.
Sometimes you'll see a really wealthy person who is not nice, not at all pleasant and you think ‘how has he got everything he wants?’ It’s because he chose to, this time around. He chose to come back down and have an amazingly easy quiet life. Then you see people struggling and it's because, maybe in a past life they had it really easy and now they want to come back and build up their points so that they start to get back to heaven, to home.

I suspect that a lot of people looking at these video clips will be sort of cerebral rather than instinctual. They'll be thinking ‘is there something in this?’ To some people this idea that there's a sort of chorus of voices up there is a strange idea. Other people may think it's quite normal. What's the scaffolding of this other world that's connected to ours? The other world is (to be able to) talk to people who've passed over. They'll say ‘you think you've got beautiful colours on Earth but when you come to the spirit world everything is heightened, the colours are amazing. They're not all walking around in white shrouds or whatever. People can go back there and they can be themselves and they can stay themselves until they want to progress spiritually.

When we've lived all our lives past lives….I don't know whether you believe in numerology but we all have a number. I'm actually a nine. That again is with your name. You can find out what number you are. I'm hoping this is my last journey. I feel this is my last journey. I couldn't count how many journeys I’ve had. I’ve been regressed twice but probably loads and loads and loads. But I don't have a window into all of it. I'm not worried about finding out what I used to be. I'm more focused now.

I was very angry for quite a few years and in wrong relationships and I was fighting aggression with aggression. Now I’ve found my way out of that and I'm just so at peace. Peace! I suppose that's the only way to put it. I feel tranquil. I feel I'm there now. There are scientists now that are actually agreeing there is some other entity, some other plane, out there that we didn't believe in but they're starting to be turned around. As an example - this i only what I've read it's not what I've actually seen - they put things around the operating theatre and when somebody dies and they are going towards the light but then they're told ‘No it's not your time you can go back’ and it's amazing what they can actually tell the doctors. This is wowing the medical people because these people come and they say ‘I went to the spirit world but was told it wasn't my time. As I came down, I noticed there was, like, a ribbon in the corner or there was something… This is what they're trying to do, to prove that these people are telling the truth because so many people think ‘you died, weren't you lucky to be brought back, but there's nothing in between.’ Years ago I used to see black and white and a friend of mine said ‘you don't see the grey do you?’ Well now I'm happy to say ‘yes I do see the grey and the grey is this bit in the middle that so many people just don't understand.

I know it's true because it's something I wouldn't even think of and I know it's true. (Admittedly) there are fakes and charlatans out there but all they're doing is fooling themselves. I know it's true because I actually talk to them and they keep me well. I should be dead or in a wheelchair having MS (multiple scleroris) all this length of time. They keep me Fit and Well to work for them. How do I know it's true? All I can say is, I know. When people say ‘what is spiritualism?’ I say it's a way of life to me. It makes sense out of life. How can I prove to somebody? By giving readings and by bringing their family and their friends into that and telling them things that there's no way I could ever know.