The Institute of Reflection
The virtual Agora for Occidental Meditation – A Tool for Clearer Thinking, Emotional Balance and a Rounded Perspective

Personal Credo - Gerrie

To ‘Gerrie’, life is beautiful. One needs to be aware of the impact we make on those with whom we come into contact.


One actually can’t tell where life the wind of life will take us to but the people you meet every day is actually what makes life beautiful and amazing. And memories. The people you live is what you keep going, the impact they have left whilst you were still with them keeps ongoing. So life is beautiful, beautiful. But depending on the people you come across; either they make you happy or sad but the happiness and the sadness is still part of life that keeps you going.

At a point you have a reflection there is something called Life, Death after life or life after that, where your spirit's mind goes somewhere else and you don't even know. Just like the way we were born, we were not conscious, we were giving (going?) back. We just knew that we came in as a little baby and we started growing, we grew old and then we leave. So people say life is more like a holiday; we are all here for holiday. So when you finish your holiday you go back or life is like a Marketplace: you go to buy what you want and then after buying you leave the place. So that is life; we're all here for a trade and that is why we meet different people from different nations coming together. So when we finish we all pass our ways and leave other people where we've met them, so life is actually beautiful. The people you meet on your journey to life; they are the ones that actually make life interesting for you.