He has written what must be a unique book, Day of Change in that it is half poetry, half prose. The storyline concerns his vision of America, part real, part imagined. It is dystopian though this does not detract from his optimism that it can change for the better. The thrust of his thinking touches on many of the aspects of life to those who are given to reflection. He lays stress on the importance of learning, of thinking about what is going on in the world, mankind’s drives and urges, the beauties and bounties of nature and the ‘un-seeing way in which we live our lives. A sense of the extraordinary strangeness of life pervades his work. What a strange creature is man; what a strange world we inhabit! The poem is continuous narrative though many of the verses could be stand-alone poems. A selection of illustrative verses are included the extracts say something of his philosophy of life
Larry Holofcener, Poems
Larry Holofcener was a gifted polymath, a famous sculptor and a playwright. The thrust of his thinking touches on many of the aspects of life to those who are given to reflection. He lays stress on the importance of learning, of thinking about what is going on in the world, mankind’s drives and urges, the beauties and bounties of nature and the ‘un-seeing way in which we live our lives. A sense of the extraordinary strangeness of life pervades his work. What a strange creature is man; what a strange world we inhabit!