What is Reflection?
How to Reflect
How Reflection can help you
Learning to reflect can dramatically enrich your lifestyle.

What is Western Meditation?



Reflection is meditation shorn of the baggage
Sir Malcolm Bradbury pioneered a Creative Writing course. Why? Writers potty trained in their craft? Kazuo Ishiguro and others deeply value his techniques. Reflection too is not as easy as it seems.
Reflection can be much more than a sweetie to suck at whim. On occasion one even may not like what it reveals.
There is so much to reflect on, whether Practical or Theoretical.
There are different ways to reflect, whether intellectual or ruminative.
You can actively rather than lethargically relax.
Do you know where best to reflect?
Reflection encourages us to dwell on fascinating subjects we often take for granted: the world…. who we are…why we are here….what we believe.
Research into brain waves – alpha, beta, and so on – show we are physically affected by how we reflect.
Our lives too – in spiritual and in daily terms – can be improved by reflection.
Happiness, peace of mind, better decision making, a constructive attitude, widening of horizons are all dividends paid by proper reflection.
These days when people absorb without sufficient thought much mindless vapourising, the art of Reflection has rarely been so needed.
It should be clear that reflection can only be for those who have the time for it. For those dealing with overwhelming pressure on their time, life and death matters say, Reflection can be seen as a luxury. But it is to be embraced where possible as a flower of the civilised life apart from all the advantages as appear above.