The Institute of Reflection
For people to hit the ‘pause’ button and think about themselves and the world in which we live
Departments of this Institute
Galileo famously handed his inquisition interrogators a telescope and bid them point it at the heavens, with the injunction: ‘Look through this!’. They declined, preferring to stagnate in their beliefs. Are you on the side of the inquisition or of Galileo? What refreshed beliefs about the seen and ‘unseen’ world can we take on board with a degree of confidence as a result of recent laboratory experiments?
Both as individuals and as societies, we are what we have thought. We should think again. What works or does not work for societies of today and for you and me? Do you accept the views of the great thinkers of the past, for instance Bertrand Russell? The diagnoses of serious modern thinkers who consider the well-being of our world – and the personal credos of ordinary folk who are not ‘teachers’ – can help attune mindsets to modern needs. How to live better adjusted lives? Reflective thinking can be about practical matters and beliefs. Do parts – or all – of the beliefs of others hold promise for your life?
In a Session of Reflection
Some Definitions
Four Levels of Relfection
What is Western Meditation?
Reflection: its rationale
How Reflection can help widen your horizon
Reflection can bring you peace of mind and heart
Reflection can help you understand who you are
Reflection can be a constructive way of life
Reflection can bring you happiness and pleasure
Reflection can help us understand our physical world
Reflection can bring us new perspectives on Faith
Reflection can help us understand the Cosmos
Reflection helps an understanding of politics and international relations
Reflection can help you understand the Unseen world
Reflection techniques; how better to reflect
Reflection: its practical purposes
The Underlying Approach to Reflection
All of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind